Sunday, August 29, 2010

HM's Speech

Speech by the MCKK HM (En Anand Baharuddin) at Dinner with Class 60 on 2nd August 2010 at the Dining Hall, Big School, MCKK.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Selamat Sejahtera,

Yang Berbahagia Datuk Umar Abu

Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Mokhtar Hashim

Bekas Pelajar ‘Class of 60’, Penolong-Penolong Kanan, guru-guru, staf sokongan, barisan kepimpinan pelajar, para pelajar dan hadirin yang dikasihi sekalian

Terlebih dahulu, saya mewakili seluruh warga The Malay College ingin mengucapkan Selamat Datang kepada bekas-bekas pelajar Class of 60 kerana dapat kembali semula ke MCKK bagi menghadiri Majlis Makan Malam dan Majlis Ramah Mesra bersama guru-guru, staf sokongan dan para pelajar sekalian. Sesungguhnya kehadiran Y. Bhg. Dato’-Dato’, Datin-Datin, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan amat kami alu-alukan dan pastinya mempunyai makna yang amat besar kepada warga Malay College sekalian. Sesungguhnya kehadiran Y. Bhg. Dato’-Dato’, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan pada hemat saya, pasti dapat memberikan inspirasi kepada pelajar-pelajar MCKK masa kini untuk memajukan diri dan mendapatkan gambaran sebenar tentang etos serta tradisi The Malay College pada suatu ketika dahulu.

Y. Bhg. Dato’-Dato’, Datin-Datin, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang saya hormati,

Saya difahamkan bahawa perjumpaan di Malay College ini sebagia menyambut Ulang Tahun ke 50 pelajar Class of 60 meniggalkan Malay College ini. Pastinya banyak kenangan, idea dan kepakaran yang ingin dikongsi bersama dengan semua warga Malay College pada hari ini. Saya sekali lagi mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Class of 60 atas usaha yang murni ini. Harapan kami agar usaha seperti ini haruslah diteruskan dari semasa ke semasa, dan diteladani oleh kumpulan-kumpulan lain.

Sebagai salah sebuah Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi di negara ini, pihak kami amat mengharapkan permuafakatan yang berkesan daripada pelbagai pihak, terutama dalam kalangan bekas pelajar bagi membangunkan sekolah dan membawa hala tuju yang lebih luas terutama membawa MCKK sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa. Justeru, kehadiran Class of 60 pastinya dapat memupukkan semangat kekitaan dan memberi idea-idea baru yang boleh membantu pihak sekolah meningkatkan kecemerlangan. Saya mohon permuafakatan yang terjalin ini dapat menyuburkan jalinan kerjasama yang jitu demi kecemerlangan dan kesejahteraan di Malay College.

Akhir kata, saya mengharapkan semua warga Malay College dapat memberikan kerjasama kepada Class of 60 sepanjang majlis ini berlangsung dan gunakanlah peluang ini untuk bertemu dan menjalinkan hubungan silaturrahim yang mesra dan bermakna. Semuga majlis ini akan menjadi suatu kenangan yang manis dan tidak akan dilupakan ‘selagi hayat dikandung badan’. Justeru, demi Malay College, marilah sama-sama kita melaksanakan tradisi kecemerlangan yang telah tuan-tuan jayakan supaya akan tersemai kepada generasi baru Malay College pada masa hadapan. Ucapan terima kasih dirakamkan kepada Class of 60 kerana menaja menu makanan tambahan kepada pelajar Tingkatan 3, 4 dan 5 dan majlis Malan Malam di Dewan Carey pada hari ini. Rakaman penghargaan jua saya hulurkan kepada para guru dan para pelajar yang menjayakan persediaan kepada program ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yeop's speech.

Speech by Ambassador Yeop Adlan Rose on 2nd August 2010 after Big School Dinner with Principal and Staff of MCKK on the occasion of the Anniversary visit by MCOBA Class of ’60 (Patikan) commemorating their 50 years since leaving MCKK.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A memorable trip to Kuala Kangsar

50 years later. In 1960 we took our School Cert and in 2010 we returned to visit the old place, MCKK which we remember as if 50 year ago was only yesterday. We left the place in tears, and those of us who boarded the train out of Kuala Kangsar not knowing whether we are coming back after the SC results is out, and some of us did not want to come back after staying at the MCKK all those years, some had earlier joined at the Kings Pavilion in Standard 4 and some in Form 1 and some in Form 3 years later. And we became friends and buddies, and on our retirements we formed the Patikans, which the nickname for the MCKK Class of year 1960 and those who were supposed to take the SC exams in 1960.

And in on 2nd August 2010 we all returned to the College, the absentees are those who have departed, 17 have already left us forever, and the others having their own private commitment and could not make it back to the College. We bring along our families and even two widows of our Colleague who have left us.

We wish to thank those who help us to make this trip a memorable one and we cherish the memories of the past years at the College and this very successful trip.  And most of all we cherish our long term friendship among all the Patikans.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thank you En Anand.

Thank you En Anand, the present HM at the MCKK, from all of us the Patikans, the MCKK Class of 60. We really felt at home when we, class members, wives and spouses of our colleague who have already passed away visited the Malay College on the 2nd of August this year. The reception we received from your staff (males and females) and the present boys was beyond expectation, and the attention you and your staff paid to the presentation by our Sdr Yeop Adlan was very encouraging. And of course we will not forget the durians that you help to procure for us, those were beautifully delicious beyond description. And our visit to the College especially and to Kuala Kangsar generally was most pleasant and memorable. We are grateful for the pleasant memories, your reception, and our stay at MCKK in all those years.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

In rememberance of (the late) Imran Alias .......... Imran dalam kenangan.

With great sadness, we received the news of the demise of our friend (the late) Imran Alias on the 2nd of August 2010, at GH KL, while we were all (most of us) going to Kuala Kangsar to visit our alma mater the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, we were then nearing Rawang. We could hardly turn back then as we had a very tight programme at the College with the teachers and students there. But some of the Patikans who were not able to make it on the bus to the College went to his funeral.

The late (arwah) Imran was a most likeable person, who lived in recluse and who unfortunately had been ill for a very long time. Even at the Malay College he was not that healthy, though he braved himself to join us all (then) in most of the school activities. But he excelled in debating, and took part in many debates in school, a person who had a quick mind and eloquent speeches to have the respect by all his debating opponents.

Because of his illness he had not been able to participate in almost all of the Patikans activities. We all understood. And many of the Patikans visited him periodically to comfort him in his difficult moments in life when he was alive,

Our condolence to his family.

Innalillah ………… Al-Faatihah.